European Beer Star

European Beer Star is looking for the Beer Mix Champion

The Beer Mix Champion is awarded in 2 categories

We go with the flow - In 2025, European Beer Star has decided to confer a "Beer Mix Champion" award. Beer mix beverages are complementary products, not substitutes; they do not compete with traditional beers. Beer mix beverages are very popular with consumers. Breweries can benefit from this at several levels: Bolstering sales, spreading risk, expanding to new target groups, to name but a few. The European Beer Star thus continues to move with the times and reflects current trends in the market.

Register up to 3 beer mix beverages per category!

Your beer mix beverage fits into one of the categories described? Receive a high-quality expert feedback and become Beer Mix Champion!

Beer Mix Champion category descriptions convenient for download

Category I Alcoholic Beer Mix Beverage


Original gravity (of the beer)7,0 - 14,0 °Plato
Apparent extract (of the beer)2,0 - 4,5 °Plato
Alcohol (of the beer mix beverage)< 2,4 by weight
< 3,5 by volume


  • Beer mix beverages are mixed from sales beer and ready-to-drink soft drinks (e.g. soda or juices)
  • Original beer: top or bottom fermented
  • Colour: depends on the original beer and soft drink
  • The ratio of beer to soft drink should result in a harmonious overall impression
  • The beer mix beverage is more full-bodied than the soft drink due to the beer content. The body and typical beer flavours, such as maltiness and bitterness, balance out the fruitiness and sweetness of the soft drink
  • A fruit flavour corresponding to the soft drink must be recognizable
  • The fruit flavour should not be artificial
  • Very low to barely perceptible bitterness
  • Body: low to medium body
  • Balanced sweetness - acidity ratio
  • Significantly unbalanced acidity or sweetness will be rated as a fault
  • No astringency due to sweeteners permitted
  • A pleasant, beer-typical, recency should be present
  • DMS, oxidation or diacetyl notes are not permitted
  • Turbidity is permitted

Beers in which the fruit content is largely fermented must be entered in the fruit beer category.

In order to facilitate the sensory assessment, it is necessary for the brewery to provide additional information on the beer mix beverage when submitting the application:

  • Descriptive sales designation (e.g. beer mix consisting of x% beer and y% soft drink)
  • Indication of the type of fermentation and the type of beer (top or bottom fermented; e.g. Helles, Weizen)
  • Type of soft drink (e.g. lemonade with / without sugar)
  • Indication of the mixing ratio of beer / soft drink (e.g. 50%-50%)

Category II Non-Alcoholic Beer Mix Beverage


Original gravity (of the beer)4,0 - 14,0 °Plato
Apparent extract (of the beer)0,5 - 4,5 °Plato
Alcohol (of the beer mix beverage)< 0,3 by weight
< 0,5 by volume


  • Beer mix beverages are mixed from non-alcoholic sales beer and ready-to-drink soft drinks (e.g. soda or juices)
  • Original beer: top or bottom fermented
  • Colour: depends on the original beer and soft drink
  • The ratio of beer to soft drink should result in a harmonious overall impression
  • The beer mix beverage is more full-bodied than the soft drink due to the beer content. The body and typical beer flavours, such as maltiness and bitterness, balance out the fruitiness and sweetness of the soft drink
  • A fruit flavour corresponding to the soft drink must be recognizable
  • The fruit flavour should not be artificial
  • Very low to barely perceptible bitterness
  • Body: low to medium body
  • Balanced sweetness - acidity ratio
  • Significantly unbalanced acidity or sweetness will be rated as a fault
  • No astringency due to sweeteners permitted
  • A pleasant, beer-typical, recency should be present
  • DMS, oxidation or diacetyl notes are not permitted
  • Turbidity is permitted

Beers in which the fruit content is largely fermented must be entered in the fruit beer category.

In order to facilitate the sensory assessment, it is necessary for the brewery to provide additional information on the beer mix beverage when submitting the application:

  • Descriptive sales designation (e.g. beer mix consisting of x% beer and y% soft drink)
  • Indication of the type of fermentation and the type of beer (top or bottom fermented; e.g. Helles, Weizen)
  • Type of soft drink (e.g. lemonade with / without sugar)
  • Indication of the mixing ratio of beer / soft drink (e.g. 50%-50%)

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